Tourist Visa

Welcome to our segment focusing on potential challenges that tourists may face when planning a holiday in Turkey. From the initial booking process to departure , we understand that each phase has its unique aspects and potential difficulties. We aim to provide comprehensive insights and guidance to ensure your travel experience is as smooth as possible.

Booking and Payment Process: Before your holiday, you might face issues such as booking complications, payment disputes, and possible travel agency or accommodation fraud. According to the Turkish Consumer Protection Law (Law No. 6502), you have the right to full disclosure of all booking and payment details. Any misleading or false advertisement can be reported, and legal action can be taken.

During Your Stay: Once in Turkey, there may be incidents like personal injury, property loss or damage, or disputes with local businesses or services. Turkish Law ensures your rights as a consumer and a tourist are protected. If you face such issues, it’s crucial to report them immediately to the local authorities and your embassy or consulate.

Health and Safety: Health emergencies or accidents during your holiday are unforeseen complications. If such an incident occurs, it’s essential to know your rights and what to do. The Law on Protection of Consumers No. 6502 and the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 provide for liability in case of personal injury. It’s advisable to have adequate travel and health insurance to cover possible medical costs.

Cancellations and Delays: Flight cancellations or delays can be a significant source of inconvenience. As per the Regulation on Air Passenger Rights in Turkey, in line with the EU Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004, you are entitled to certain rights in such scenarios, including the right to compensation, alternative flight arrangements, and refreshments.

Return Process: Upon departure, issues can arise concerning tax refunds, customs regulations, or departure procedures. Understanding Turkish regulations and your rights can help make this process smoother.

While this provides an overview, the specific circumstances of your holiday can affect your experiences and legal situation. Navigating foreign regulations can be challenging, and we recommend seeking professional advice to fully understand your rights and obligations.

Our experienced team is dedicated to providing guidance and support for all your legal needs during your visit to Turkey. We prioritize your rights and well-being, ensuring your holiday experience is as hassle-free as possible. Please feel free to reach out for further clarification or assistance.